For use on the 20L/5Gal and 10L/2.5Gal:
- Scepter Military Water Cans
- LCI Military Water Cans
- LC Industries Military Water Cans
- Skilcraft Military Water Cans
Made in the USA
Never again struggle to remove an over-tightened cap, a stuck cap on a swollen can or to remove a cap from a can with fouled threads!
- Built from Glass-Reinforced Polymers for EXTREME durability.
- Reversable so you can use the wrench to TIGHTEN or LOOSEN the cap.
- Working end fits snug on the LCI, LC Industries & Skilcraft Caps (all three are the same company,) and has a looser fit on the Scepter Brand Caps
Scepter MWC wrench
Where have you been all of my life? Sure beats ripping a hunk of meat off your hands!