Have a steel target but don’t know how to hang it? These target stand brackets are a great solution that will have you set up and shooting in no time! Save yourself awkward, heavy all-metal target stands that are expensive, difficult to transport and not easily replaceable. Cut 2×2″ wood to whatever lengths best suit your needs, assemble without any tools, and enjoy the positive feedback of a swinging target!
versatile stand for hanging Drummond Shooting AR steel gongs
assemble with 2″x2″ wood and our gong hardware packages
no tools required
textured black powder coat
1 year warranty
Target Stand Brackets
This pair of sawhorse- style stand brackets is an essential component of an effective target stand that is strong, lightweight, and requires no tools for assembly. Standard 2”x2” wood found at your local hardware store is used for the legs and crossbar which, unlike steel stands that can fail after just one stray shot, can absorb numerous impacts. The wood can be cut to whatever length is required, providing the versatility you demand for your unique terrain. Use these target stand brackets to hang your Drummond Shooting AR steel gong!
Remember: make sure you’re informed about proper gun handling and target use prior to shooting. Read our safety information sheet here.
How Well Do They Work?
In this video you can see the target stand brackets doing their job. While our AR 500 steel gong flies around from .308, the stand remains firmly in place. Even on this uneven ground, the ability to adjust the legs allows for a solid footing, leaving nothing to worry about but your aim!