Avon Protection - Combination System Powered Air Purifying Respirator (CS-PAPR)
Avon Protection
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Avon Protection introduces a new generation of CBRN Powered Air Purifying Respirator, the Avon MP-PAPR™ system.
The Avon MP-PAPR module delivers a compact and easily integrated PAPR unit providing cooling, lower user burden and reduced pulmonary stress.
The unique shape and construction allow the wearer to mount the PAPR in multiple ways, maximizing integration while delivering higher protection levels and improved well-being.
A complete set of certifications allows the user to add Avon MP-PAPR to existing fielded systems such as the 50 Series APRs, convert into a combination PAPR (Avon CS-PAPR) or revert back to an Avon EZAir configuration.
*NOTE MP-PAPR does NOT include an Avon (50 series) respirator mask required to operate.
Increased operational time
Optimized Integration
Intelligent Control Systems
Novel Material Technologies
Modular Construction